Saint-Ex 2024 Full Movie Stream

Saint-Ex 2024 online


When the best Airmail pilot Henri Guillaume disappears in the Andes, his best friend Antoine de Saint-Exupéry decides to go looking for him despite everything. The Little Prince was in every household, so the author’s story was eagerly awaited. The story is about the time he asked his childhood friend Guillaume to work with him in the mail between Argentina and Chile. So far so good. They are childhood friends and the same age. Now the problem arises: as they get older, the age difference is almost 20 years. So here is my criticism. Why did they cast Casal at 57 to play a 29-year-old? Saint Ex should be 30, but playing him at 41 is still fine. Diane Kruger was chosen to match Casal’s age. Aren’t there any young actors in the French film industry? So the choice of actors was poor, even though they were good actors. The photos were great, but the scenes on the plane were not realistic!

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